1.2 Keep updated

Keep updated and inspired

  • slack community

    • mlops-community.slack.com

    • tectonfeast.slack.com

  • audio:

    • Blinkist(https://www.blinkist.com/): read or listen to the key idea from bestselling notification in 15 mins (as an info/news filtering)

    • Podcast

    • spotify (support podcast as well)

  • Video:

    • youtube channels

      • 3D printer: the maker's muse

      • Design: Game Maker's Toolkit

  • Website/Blogs:

  • Books:

    • Online books:

      • Scribd for English books and Weread for Chinese books.

      • iBooks for all epub format downloaded from zlibrary.

      • preview

    • Papers

      • use `Endnote Click` and your institute account to download papers.

Last updated