1.4 Script trick

a list of my most commonly used tools

  • record the script:

    • script --> exit: (only in Mac and Linux) All commands are in the file named `typescript`.

  • vim v.s. nano

    • nano handles large file io much faster than vim, but I like vim's online editing and the customized config

  • git

    • brew install nvie/tap/git-toolbelt

    • use alias on the commonly used git command

    • Customized config

  • IDE:

    • PyCharm PRO supports running at the remote side

    • VScode

  • brew:

    • must have for mac

  • docker:

    • Except for everything, don't forget to create the images with the environment you use the most and push them to the registry.

  • mosh + tmux

    • no brainer

  • Oh-my-zsh: can't live without

    • customized config: saved the customized `~/.zshrc` in the GitHub

    • git/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-syntax-hiighlighting

  • anaconda and miniconda

  • pycharm

    • VCS

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