Some tips about data transferring between local and server
General practice:
Compress the file (bz2, zip, or tar.gz) before transferring the data
Don’t send data from local to pure storage directly
If it is just for sync, use rsync over scp to avoid sending the repetitive data to the server;
If you prefer using rsync, -av would work; add -z to send folder directly (-z will compress the file)
If you prefer using scp, please compress the folder first. It is being tested that `-p -C -o 'CompressionLevel 9' -o 'IPQoS throughput'` speeds up the transfer speed from 10% to 50%.
If you found the transfer speed is super-slow,
Reconnect the VPN
Test the network speed (by typing network speed test at google, and check the network speed) under VPN or without VPN. If the speed under VPN is about 50% slower than that without VPN, it looks normal; otherwise, contact the admin.
Use `df -h` to check the storage left at the server. If there is no much storage, please try to clean your local storage, and contact the admin.
Leave the transferring task working under the backend.
Use multiple threads if needed, but please check the md5sum in case some threads failed.
What’s the speed difference between rsync/scp over FileZila?
Last updated
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